Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Future Earth Changes

Shocking news about future Earth changes

This is a summary of information regarding electromagnetic events and solar activity that will affect the Earth. The research regarding Elenin has led to this information. Having been researching Elenin and the rumors of a cataclysmic event in the near future, I have had a great deal of difficulty finding any verifiable information about whether Elenin is more than we are being told by officials. However I still wanted to determine whether there is a significant threat to our way of life and what preparations may be necessary.

I realized that if our Governments are hiding what they know, we should be able to gain some clues based upon what they are doing. I also realized that there may be some additional threads of evidence due to possible whistle-blowers in various professions. I was looking for information that fit a set pattern and that was from independent sources. Although I do not have all the answers, I have found some of what I was looking for and have some information regarding very likely future events. These events will affect our way of life and everyone should prepare for this.

I was looking for facts rather than speculation. What I found is based upon science and articles from NASA and information from other sources. Some confirming information is historical (things like this have happened in the past). I cannot guarantee that all the articles I link to are completely accurate but my focus is mainly on the electrical events that are predicted.

Many of the sources of the information I have found are official or undisputed but many of the news articles have not been highly publicized for very long. I believe this is partly because of the technical nature of the evidence (lack of understanding by reporters and management) combined with an unwillingness to alarm the public (an irresponsible attitude since everyone should prepare for situations like this).

Based upon what I researched, which is described below, I have reached the conclusions and possibilities listed here. Some of them are shocking but those who are concerned should review the information, do their own research, and make themselves prepared as soon as possible.

Conclusions and predictions:

1. Parts or all of the power grid will become disabled or destroyed (3 months to 5 years). This is my prediction based upon scientific fact.

2. It is very likely that solar activity and electromagnetic interfacing between heavenly bodies will produce Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP) of enough magnitude to not only destroy the power grid, but to destroy most electric and electronic devices (unless properly shielded and may destroy them even if they are shielded).

3. It is very likely that electromagnetic and plasma events may become very common in the near future (6 months to 5 years) and happen for extended periods of time rather than single pulse events.

4. Our solar system is entering an area of space that will change the behavior of the sun and cause magnetic events through the solar system and on earth. NASA calls this area of space a ribbon of magnetics which consists of a combination of magnetized hydrogen and helium.
The above information is supported by news and information from NASA.

The below information is my hypothesis based upon various information that I have been able to find but no direct evidence seems available to either prove or disprove it.
1. I believe there is a significant possibility that our solar system is a binary star system and there may be something of significant mass that is inbound and is affecting weather, comets, and earthquakes.

2. Although I do not believe the comet Elenin is Planet X or Niburu, I believe its appearance may have been caused or affected by a larger unknown massive object in our solar system. If there is a large object like this, I believe NASA is aware of it and knows approximately where it is.

3. I believe the comet Elenin will not destroy Earth but could have some electromagnetic effects upon earth, possibly including a flux interface between Earth, Elenin, and/or the sun. Elenin's passing could herald the first of many significant electromagnetic events, although the magnetic cloud in space is the main factor that will make the exchange possible This possible interface is not definite.

4. Earthquakes may be influenced by magnetic flux. If so, the electromagnetic events to come could cause a greater number of earthquakes.

While researching, I first began to try to confirm rumors about some things the government has been doing. I searched on several terms including:
Later searches included:

My initial searches confirmed:
1. A seed bank was created. There are many news articles available regarding this but here is one: Work begins on Arctic seed vault
2. Governments are creating underground bunkers. Although I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the articles, here are several articles about it. There is good reason to believe underground bases exist but the reasons for the basis could be anything from possible nuclear war to some cataclysmic event.
Norwegian politician speaks about surviving global catastrophe in the government bunkers in Norway
Secret Government Bunkers
The Government is Building Underground BUNKERS on a Mass Scale
3. Governments have been purchasing massive quantities of food. Here are articles:
FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags
Terror threats rising as FEMA orders $1 Billion in dehydrated food
4. Although information about detected space rocks was formerly public, it is now classified.
Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified
This means that even if NASA is aware of something that may be a threat they will most likely not tell the public.

None of this indicates what is being anticipated, only that something is expected. One of my whistleblower searches turned up this article which was a significant clue:

An Electrical Engineer on 2012-2013 Whistleblower Testimony

My husband is an electrical engineer for a national power company. He has just been told that they are expecting an event in the next 3-4 years that will render every transformer in the world useless. They are desperately trying to find a solution to the problem. If they don't, the entire global electrical system will go down. He mentioned something about electromagnetic clouds in space that the Earth is drifting into. They are under incredible pressure to find a solution.

Not many months ago I had read an article about a threat to the electrical power grid. The article talked about Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), the electrical storms they can generate and the threat to the electrical power grid. It said high voltage transformers could be destroyed if the proper protections are not put in place in time and that should these transformers be destroyed, it will take years to replace them. Therefore a large portion of the electrical power grid could fail for many years. I don't remember the exact article but there are several similar articles across the internet. Here is a similar one:
EMP threatens power shutdown for months

This information motivated me to do more research in this area. I found the below article that provides lots of information that seems credible.
A Boeing Whistleblower’s Warning
This article discusses the magnetic ribbon in space that our solar system is entering. It includes other information including:
1. Changes in Earth's electromagnetic field.
2. Information about an area in space with plasma energy (magnetized hydrogen and helium gas).
3. Increased solar activity.
4. Flux transfer events (FTE) between heavenly bodies.
5. The Norway spiral and how it may have been caused by a FTE.
6. It also mentions additional effects that I have seen people mention on the internet and have personally observed seasonal pattern changes and increased extreme weather events.

Potential effects
- Sudden, dramatic changes to weather patterns
- Increased extreme weather events
- Shifted seasonal patterns
- Increased EQ activity
- Mystery booms
- Hyper cloudless "lightning" storms
- Unusual sky effects
- Tide and water level deviations

7. Speculation about a black dwarf.

Here is an article about space weather and its social and economic impacts from the National Research Council.
Severe Space Weather Events - Understanding societal an Economic Impactsedit on 31-5-2011 by zbrain75 because: Change from quote to external quote.

reply posted on 31-5-2011 @ 08:11 PM by zbrain75The following are known facts:
1. There is a ribbon of magnetics in space identified by NASA.
2. As our solar system passes through this magnetic area in space, electronics and electricity will be affected for some time - There may be flares, EMP, FTE, and CME events affecting earth.
3. NASA has some concern about potential for something hitting the sun.
4. Damage to transformers can take years to replace
5. There have been some breaches in Earth's magnetic field which may be caused by FTEs. This may be the cause for bird dieoffs.
Flux transfer event: when a portal opens in Earth's magnetosphere
6. There is govenment suppression on information about some asteroids (classified) and inbound objects.
7. Filaments on the sun keep popping up.
8. Interstellar cloud changes CME discharge into a more continuous process - magnetic cloud supports continuous ion flow between connected bodies - could make EMPs continuous.
9. Magnetic flux tubes do occur - solar wind connections are not steady but brief, bursty and dynamic.
10. Surplus cosmic rays from an unidentified source relatively near (within 3000 light years)
11. From Wikipedia.org - Geomagnetic Storm

On September 1 – 2, 1859, the largest recorded geomagnetic storm occurred. From August 28 until September 2, 1859, numerous sunspots and solar flares were observed on the Sun, the largest flare occurring on September 1. This is referred to as the 1859 solar superstorm or the the Carrington Event. It can be assumed that a massive Coronal mass ejection (CME), associated with the flare, was launched from the Sun and reached the Earth within eighteen hours — a trip that normally takes three to four days. The horizontal intensity of geomagnetic field was reduced by 1600 nT as recorded by the Colaba observatory near Bombay, India. It is estimated that Dst would have been approximately -1750 nT. Telegraph wires in both the United States and Europe experienced induced emf, in some cases even shocking telegraph operators and causing fires. Auroras were seen as far south as Hawaii, Mexico, Cuba, and Italy — phenomena that are usually only seen near the poles.

12. Also from Wikipedia.org - Geomagnetic Storm

On March 13, 1989 a severe geomagnetic storm caused the collapse of the Hydro-Québec power grid in a matter of seconds as equipment protection relays tripped in a cascading sequence of events. Six million people were left without power for nine hours, with significant economic loss. The storm even caused auroras as far south as Texas.

13. Petroglyphs document some of these ancient electromagnetic events as described in the below articles.
The Squatter Man / Tree of Life | Petroglyphs (rock art) evidence
Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age
Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity
This article is an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) publication:Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity Part IIedit on 31-5-2011 by zbrain75 because: Grammer correction and change from quote to external quote.

reply posted on 31-5-2011 @ 08:15 PM by guessingYou know, it is good that you have put this together in an unbiased way. i believe what you have written and my own research is parrallel to yours. it seems you have more time than me to put it all together. So from me S+F

I believe there is a large body lurking somewhere out there, in affect, this becomes the cause for extra unknown comets, asteroids etc.

The elliptic plane , from my research, is approaching as our solar sytem crosses over. I beleive we are on the fringe of this eliptical plane and there must be a cause and effect associated with it. For the past 25 years I have noticed a quickening of things so to speak. I look at this subjectively without bias.

Many years ago an electrical engineer told me a similar thing but he said it would not be an issue till the mid 2010 to 2018 mark. He also said that it was based on electro magnetic interferance external to our planet. he was involved with the Airforce in Woomera, Australia.he is dead now through cancer.

I claim Elenin is nothing more than small comet. I also do not beleive in niburu and the all the associated crap.

I do re iterate, that my research leads me to a simialr conclusion that there is a large body lurking.

I have studied in depth the science of Semiotics. I believe that 90% of humans are asleep and in denial of some key things in this physical world. There is also a lot of things that the general population is not being told.

At the end of the day it is our individual consciousness that enables us to make informed descions and to act on a higher instinctual level. Without question there is going to be a significant purging within humanity in my lifetime.

What do we do in the meantime?

Make everyday count

Watch this 3 epizode of Electric Universe end plasma theory ..
Is new way of understudying of planets-stars-comets-galaxy's end how they acting to each other ..

"It is a truism that breakthroughs often lie unrecognised for decades. "I'll see it when I believe it" could be the catch-cry for much of science. After the slow path to acceptance of each great new idea, it always seems so obvious in retrospect. We teach children in grade school ideas that defeated the greatest intellects for centuries. That being so, we must not let the reputation of even an Einstein stand in our way when seeking better paradigms. We must simply allow for the possibility that he was wrong, recognising that science is a highly conservative captive of fashion.
The Electric Universe opens up science again to the individual. Science will blossom in the new millennium as a cultural activity more integrated with history, the arts and the human condition."
Wal Thornhill

Great thread and links in to my own feelings on current events. I strongly believe that electro magnetics are behind most of our current troubles and that this is perfectly natural for the universe (but maybe not so great for us).

One thing that confuses me regarding the power grids etc, though is this: surely if we know when a flare /storm is due to hit we can simply turn off the power? If the power is off, there can't be any damage right? Forgive the simplicity of the question and the phrasing but i am a layman regarding these things......

reply posted on 1-6-2011 @ 04:42 AM by the_0bserver85Cool......so power grids go out uh ? .... any earthquakes ?
Plasma + EMP ..... = any "next stage of mankind evolution or human gene mutation " I mean something really out of the ordinary????

Originally posted by zbrain75
I am an electrical engineer currently working in the information technology field. I have a reasonably good understanding of electric charge, magnetics, and capacitance. This is a bit technical but I would like to discuss charge and capacitance in order to provide more complete information of some of the phenomenon that is expected to occur. A model of a capacitor includes two charge plates separated by a dielectric. Simply stated, the plates are conductors of electricity in parallel to each other separated by a dielectric (non-conducting) surface which prevents current from flowing between the two plates. These two plates separated by a dielectric form a capacitor and that capacitor can hold electric charge. If you hook one plate to the positive side of a battery, and the other plate to the negative side of a battery, you will charge the capacitor. The capacitor will stay charged after you remove it from the battery because positive charge is attracted to negative charge and that energy holds them in place across the dielectric.

Dielectric Capacitor

Some good electrical insulators include glass and a vacuum. We are told that space is a vacuum and that is partially correct. Normally space is a vacuum and is a good insulator which prevents electrical charge from flowing. Now take a sun which is a massive nuclear reactor and place it in a center area and surround it with planets revolving around it in the dielectric of space. Each of those planets will pick up energy (positive and/or negative) from that massive nuclear reactor. The massive nuclear reactor produces energy of all types (light, magnetic, and various radiation some of which may be harmful to life and other types may not). Therefore each planet would tend to have a different electrical charge. Potential voltages between planets may be incredible and the relative charges may have a natural attraction to jump from one planet to another. This may not be possible while space is a good insulator but if space becomes cluttered with charged (both negative and positively charged) gas (hydrogen and helium) molecules, its ability to conduct electricity may increase and allow charge to flow between heavenly bodies. This would tend to happen as our solar system enters the magnetic ribbon in space. One effect of this may be birkeland currents.

This article discusses birkeland currents and the planets.
The Solar System

Each planet has a 'plasma sheath' - a well known electrical phenomenon - the size and shape of which is determined by the difference between the electrical potential (voltage) of the planet and that of the nearby solar plasma. The shape of this plasma sheath is usually a tear-drop or wind-sock shape, the pointed end facing away from the sun. The boundary of this sheath is a double layer that separates the planet's surrounding plasma from the solar plasma. The plasma sheath of Venus is extremely long, almost touching the Earth when the two planets are at their closest approach. Jupiter's plasma sheath has the same relationship with Saturn. Recently NASA astronomers have discovered what they call 'stringy things' in the long plasma tail of Venus. Such twisted (stringy) filaments are exactly the paths Birkeland currents take in plasmas. Apparently Venus is discharging an electrical current. The plasma tails of all the planets today are in the dark current mode of operation. But were they always thus? The ancients reported that Venus once was seen to have a fiery tail and 'twisted hair'.

This article discusses the potential electrical interaction between comets and planets. It discusses planet X also but I do not have information to neither conform nor deny the existence of planet X.
Is Gliese 581 Nibiru or Planet X?

But to the greatest danger facing our World it is not from the horrific effects a massive Global Cooling event would have upon us, warn Russian scientists, but rather it is from the rising potential of our Earth being struck by, or “electrically interacting” with, a comet emanating from the currently destabilizing Oort Cloud from which these ‘space missiles’ are being increasingly hurled into our Solar System. One such “electrical interaction” between these Oort Cloud “space missiles” plunging into our inner Solar System towards the Sun is occurring now, and offering further evidence supporting these Russian scientists claims after its discovery this week by Australian amateur astronomer Alan Watson who found this ‘new comet’ while inspecting images obtained by NASA’s STEREO-A’s Hemispheric Imager.
edit on 31-5-2011 by zbrain75 because: Change from quote to external quote.

reply posted on 1-6-2011 @ 05:17 AM by coquineFascinating.....simply fascinating!

For quite a while, I've been interested in learning about the potential effects of an attack by EMP weapons, and this sounds like it basically amounts to the same effects. I do wonder about what kinds of things one could do to prepare for such an eventuality?

What materials are sheilds normally made of? (as imperfect as they may be) would it be possible to make one at home somehow?? Say, perhaps even for small batteries or appliances?

I wonder, in this scenario you present, what the effects upon the human mind and body could be???

reply posted on 1-6-2011 @ 05:59 AM by malcrOriginally posted by coquine
Fascinating.....simply fascinating!

For quite a while, I've been interested in learning about the potential effects of an attack by EMP weapons, and this sounds like it basically amounts to the same effects. I do wonder about what kinds of things one could do to prepare for such an eventuality?

What materials are sheilds normally made of? (as imperfect as they may be) would it be possible to make one at home somehow?? Say, perhaps even for small batteries or appliances?

I wonder, in this scenario you present, what the effects upon the human mind and body could be???
To protect against an EMP pulse switch off the circuit.Simple. If you wish to protect against a pulse whilst still running the equipment then surround it with a faraday cage. Basically a conducting cage.

Watch this 3 epizode of Electric Universe end plasma theory ..
Is new way of understudying of planets-stars-comets-galaxy's end how they acting to each other ..

"It is a truism that breakthroughs often lie unrecognised for decades. "I'll see it when I believe it" could be the catch-cry for much of science. After the slow path to acceptance of each great new idea, it always seems so obvious in retrospect. We teach children in grade school ideas that defeated the greatest intellects for centuries. That being so, we must not let the reputation of even an Einstein stand in our way when seeking better paradigms. We must simply allow for the possibility that he was wrong, recognising that science is a highly conservative captive of fashion.
The Electric Universe opens up science again to the individual. Science will blossom in the new millennium as a cultural activity more integrated with history, the arts and the human condition."
Wal Thornhill

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