Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

What a Violent World we live in

Why? What is wrong? Why so much hate in the world? This world today is preoccupied with hate, rebellion, and violence. Television is filled with lawlessness, crime, and murder. In the past “Westerns" glamorized outlaws and “shoot-em-ups” are among the most popular television programs for all ages.

Frustrations mount, tempers flare, tensions increase, and lawlessness and violence spread like a sick, sick contagion!
The greatest mass-murders in all history were perpetrated during World War II. But again – Why? How could one-man, Adolf Hitler, arouse such hate and passion in the minds of his followers that they could calmly murder hundreds or thousands – millions?

This world still wonders. People still ask why. But Hitler knew some demoniacal quirks of human nature. He knew of the seething violence just underneath many a human mind. He understood, he knew hate will get one a bigger following than love. Violence will attract more attention than peace. Intrigue makes a more exciting news headline than harmony; suspicion will attract more interest than confidence.

And, in a sense, entertainers, actors, producers, script-writers, and sponsors also recognize these pulls of human nature. And they use those pulls to their own financial advantage.
Hate, violence, illicit sex and perversion make “good” newspaper copy, “good” television script, and “good” movie plots. Good? Well, no, not actually; but these evil attributes, actions or implied actions draw more public attention.
And it’s because all of it is so much like human nature. It’s time you understood the truth about human nature, what it is, how it works and why the eruption of violence around the world is due to unguided; misdirected, human nature let loose on a rampage!

The Bible prophesied worldwide hatred and bigotry would grip the minds of men during this time! More than ever before, people seem prone, today, to bestial acts of violence!

Paul was inspired to look beyond his time, down into ours. He portrayed the hostile, venomous attitudes of our peoples when he said, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves (selfish, self-centered, as never before!), covetous, (lusting, coveting, envious of the things of others), boasters, proud, blasphemers (and a curse is always ready on the lips of almost everyone, today, even popular entertainment figures, and government leaders!), disobedient to parents, fierce, despisers of those that are good” (II Tim. 3:1-3).

What a picture! You read of worldwide violence constantly! You hear of depraved acts, humans tormenting, butchering, bludgeoning, stabbing, and murdering one another, public figures accusing one another, husbands and wives hating each other! Don’t delude yourself into believing it’s no worse than before – it is!

Speaking of those hate-filled days, Jesus Christ said, “All these (the wars, famines, disease epidemics even now stalking this sin-sick world) are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you (you who are real Christians!) up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended. (become angry) and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Matt. 24:8-10).

Think for a moment! You live in a world of tensions, a world fraught with fear, and a world of desperate living! It is a time of insatiable desire to escape for most people, a time when most want to forget the frightening realities of our time! How do they forget? By drifting off into ready-made fantasies; movie land madness; television terrorism; paper-back perversity; newspapers nausea!

Whether in Scandinavia, Japan, Europe, South Africa, pleasure seekers gulp their daily diet of intrigue, suspicion, murder, divorce, robbery, rape, perversion, lust, arson, jealousy, violence and hatred! And remember! When you’re relaxed before your television set, or settled down to read your novel you just bought, your guard is down. You want to relax to escape the realities and complexities of daily life for a time, to enjoy your moments of make-believe. The result? It’s all around you.

Like it or not crime runs rampant in this country. But hatred is not confined to the teen-age heart. It’s a disease of the human mind. It is in your very nature to hate!
One psychiatrist said, before a group of fellow psychiatrists, “We all became interested in psychiatry because we knew we ourselves had some mental problems !"
Paul was inspired to write: “The carnal mind (the natural mind of every person) is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Rom. 8:7)!

Today, if you feel you’re basically a “Christian” kind of person, you probably feel Christ really was the promised Messiah. You feel, whether or not you are a really zealous Christian, that Jesus Christ probably really was genuine. At least, if you are like most people, you couldn’t call Christ a guilty evil-doer could you?

But what about those who lived right with Jesus Christ? Who saw His miracles with their own eyes? What about those who lived in Jerusalem during the time of Christ’s merciless beating, His terrible night of kicks, curses, spitting, hatred, venomous accusations? What about those who had a part in it?

What about the hate-filled mob that screamed out their animalistic bestiality – “kill Him! Crucify Him! Butcher Him!”? God tells you not to bear them any malice, not to hate them even as Christ Himself said, from His tree of death “Father forgive them they know not what they do!”

But do you understand the reason they acted as they did? Do you recognize the exact, same identical nature in yourself? It’s there, recognized or not. Many of those same participants in the illegal crucifixion of Jesus Christ took their hatred, their firm belief they had rid the world of a terrible person to their graves with them.

They somehow convinced themselves they should be terrible, indignantly, “righteously” angry at Christ! They convinced themselves He was a fake! They thought they “knew” they were uncovering, exposing, and punishing some great evil! Today, you know better! But most of them never did!

And remember, Jesus predicted this evil disease of hatred would grow worse and worse, heightening in intensity until blind rage would characterize our day.

The apostle Paul wrote: “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind (a deceitful, hateful, degenerate mind), to do those things which are not right: being filled with all unrighteousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, (delighting in scandal, in filth, evil, rumor), backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventor of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers (not true to their word), without natural affection (never willing to give the other fellow the benefit of the doubt), implacable (their minds unwilling to change, to admit new light, to see new facts, or accept the truth!) unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Rom. 1:28-32).

This world is literally filled with human beings who fit this very description! And why not? It’s a description of human nature in the raw, human nature just the way it is!

Christ warned: “In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He prayed to His Father, “I have given them (His disciples and true followers in any age) thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world (they’re living different lives, lives that have been changed to conform to the life Christ led. (And remember, He was accused of being a winebibber, and a gluttonous man) even as I am not of the world” (John 17:14).

Christ had said earlier, “If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:18-19).

Yes, we’re a world of cheats. A world of murderers, thieves, deviates, queers, pornographers, racists, bigots, liars, pretenders, alcoholics, dope addicts, pleasure-mad thrill seekers and religious nuts. Society is sick!

Violence threatens to spill over like a flood and bathe our cities knee-deep in rivers of blood! Berserk frenzy, madness, mayhem are continuing fear to millions. Terror lurks and prowls in city parks, along city streets and in the alleys. What can you do about it?

First of all, you need to have more of the attitude of God’s righteous servants of old, who “sighed and cried” because of the horrible atrocities, the terrible abominations that occurred around them daily! Read in Ezekiel chapter 9, of those who, because of their attitude of abhorrence of the evils of this modern era, are to be spared from the apocalyptic destruction soon to befall this world! Read about righteous Lot who was vexed every single day because of the “filthy conduct of the wicked” and the “unlawful deeds” of the average citizen around him (II Peter 2:7-9). You need to develop more of the attitude Jesus Christ illustrated when He said His true servants would be praying “Thy Kingdom come” (Matt. 6:10)! In other words, you need to begin to view this world as God views it, and not as you have always carelessly taken it for granted.

Next, you need to become very personally critical about the way you spend your leisure time. You need to become highly selective about the motion pictures you view! Let’s face it, you know, and know that you know, that most motion pictures today are filled with pure slop, swill, violence, ghoulish insanity, murder, robbery, triangles, licentiousness, perversion, and every form of vile evil!

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

North American Union Note

PressCore of Canada --- LIBERTY NEWS ONLINE

Goodbye United States, hello North American Union?

READ WITH CAUTION: Don't know how much truth there is to this story from Canada, but there is no doubt about the overall plan of the international Banksters. Once they get Canada and the USA into one economic and political entity it will be Mexico's turn next. The portrait on the twenty note is Mandell House. A nice in your face touch if ever there was one...


The United States Federal Reserve bankers are already prepared for a hostile merger of Canada with the United States with the aid of Stephen Harper. The same bankers who orchestrated the United States Wall Street swindle ($12.5 trillion bailout the Federal Reserve bankers swindled from the American taxpayers - as of December 1, 2010) are banking on Stephen Harper winning a majority on May 2, 2011. They are laying in wait until Harper wins a majority and dissolves Canada, the Canadian flag and the Canadian Dollar.

The Federal Reserve’s North American Union Note (sample image on the left) has already been printed to replace the US Federal Reserve Note, the Canadian Dollar and the Mexican Pesco.

Why is the Federal Reserve printing North American Union Notes? The United States is financially bankrupt – thanks entirely to the Federal Reserve Bankers. The Federal Reserve Bankers orchestrated the largest swindle in the history of the United States, and the World, by fraudulently declaring loses of $billions. These bankers fraudulently declared that their banks would fail unless the US government paid them $trillions in bailout money.

Both George W Bush and Barack Obama were willing conspirators in the massive swindle of over $12.5 trillion from the American taxpayers. Because Bush and Obama handed over $trillions to the federal Reserve bankers the United States has no money to finance its social programs, its health care system, the American peoples’ pensions, its military, its government and all of its financial obligations. The Japan earthquake and tsunami added to the US economic woes as the second largest holder of US debt can no longer support the US economy. Japan is itself faced with the massive financial burden of rebuilding and can no longer afford to buy the US debt. China can clearly see that the U.S. financial system is effectively insolvent and is now starting to dump the worthless US federal Reserve Note.

The Federal Reserve bankers have been working for years to destroy the United States as we know it. Their goal is to bankrupt the United States. By bankrupting the US the US government will be forced to dissolve the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights in favor of a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. As the United States is the largest forced trading partner (NAFTA forcibly took control of the Canadian commerce) with Canada the Federal Reserve bankers has been preparing and is ready to force Canada into merging with the US to form a North American Union – one controlled by the Federal Reserve bankers.

A Stephen Harper majority is key to forming the Federal Reserve bankers’ North American Union. The Federal Reserve bankers’ plans for a takeover of Canada in 2009 were defeated in 2008 when Stephen Harper won only a minority government. In 2008 the Feds were so sure that Harper would win a majority that they printed $billions in North American Union Notes dated 2009.

The accompanying article photo above is a sample of the 2009 Federal Reserve North American Union Note. The counterfeit note is concrete evidence of the Federal Reserve bankers’ conspiracy to destroy the United States in order to form a Federal Reserve banker controlled North American Union.

The Note Reads – “Federal Reserve Note.” It has a Federal Reserve bankers adopted NAU flag (blue with 3 white stars that represent Mexico, the US and Canada) above the words “The United Federation of North America”. Below it the Federal Reserve bankers boldly claims “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TRANSNATIONAL TENDER BY UNION OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REPUBLIC ESTABLISHED AND AUTHORIZED BY THE FREE TRADE AND RECOVERY ACT OF THE CENTRAL BANK APPROVED BY THE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE BANQUE DU CANADA AND BANCO DE MEXICO” .

The note is a complete fraud. In the United States – The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, … coin Money, regulate the Value thereof. The Federal Reserve bankers’ NAU Note unlawfully eliminates the US Congress power to coin the US money. It is a fraud because it eliminates the vote of the US citizens, the Canadian citizens and Mexican citizens. Its claim of legal tender is based entirely on the Federal Reserve created free trade agreement.

The Federal Reserve bankers claims totalitarian authority over the United States, Canadian and Mexican people. Their worthless North American Union Note isn’t approved by the people of the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is only approved by itself. It fraudulently claims that it is approved by the central banks in the US, Canada and Mexico. Those central banks could never approve such a scheme as they are mandated by the elected representatives of the people of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Here in Canada the Bank of Canada’s (BANQUE DU CANADA) mandate is to conduct monetary policy in a way that promotes the economic and financial well-being of Canadians – not to a foreign owned Federal Reserve Banks.

Indonesia could become a one trillion dollar economy in 2012

Indonesia could become a one trillion dollar economy in 2012

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 07:12:26

From NextBigFuture.com

The Indonesian economy will produce a nominal GDP of Rp 7,400 trillion ($870 billion if the exchange rate leads to an average of Rp 8,500 against the US dollar) in 2011. This is roughly an increase of 15 percent from 2010.

If by year end the rupiah is around Rp 8,000 per US dollar, then the average rate of exchange of the US currency will be around Rp 8,400 to Rp 8,500. Therefore, an average exchange rate of Rp 8,500 is certainly a conservative assumption.

Indonesia's economy will expand further next year. If the rate of growth continues, we will see Indonesia’s nominal GDP rise again in 2012 to a level of around Rp 8,500 trillion, an increase of 15 percent. With the strengthening rupiah against the US dollar, Indonesia’s GDP may translate to a level of over $1 trillion in 2012.

Wikipedia list of countries by future nominal GDP according to IMF projections Indonesia getting to $1 trillion in 2012 is one year ahead of the IMF projections.

The automotive industry, steel, tires, textiles and garments, shoes, personal care products, ice cream and many other items have enjoyed a rapid expansion. Unilever Indonesia, for example, experienced a massive capital investment not seen in many years. The company was able to double its sales in the last five years and has determined to repeat the feat in the next four to five years.

Indonesian pharmaceutical companies have continuously expanded in the last few years to catch up with the increased demand. Daihatsu expanded its capacity from 260,000 cars per year to 390,000 cars annually. Similar moves were also made by Nissan Indonesia, Hino and Mercedes-Benz. Similarly, the motorcycle industry has increased its capacity just to meet the rising demand.

As the car and motorcycle industries both have very high local content, supporting industries have to automatically expand as well. Toshiba Indonesia, for example, has expanded its LCD TV capacity from 360,000 units in 2009 to 1.4 million units in 2011.

In the service business, we have seen continuous expansion in banking and other financial industries, hotels, hospitals, retail and shopping malls, telecommunications services and the airline industry.

Bank BCA, for instance, has seen rapid growth in its transactions that eventually led to a massive buildup in deposits. The increase in transaction frequencies led the company to open more branches and invest in the enhancement of its IT infrastructure, etc. Their ATM expansion, for example, has helped to improve the level of convenience, even though long queues can sometimes still be seen.

At the same time, we are also witnessing the rise of Indonesian airlines such as Garuda, Lion Air, Batavia Air and Sriwijaya. These airlines had to catch up with the rapid rise in passengers by increasing their fleets. Garuda, the flagship carrier, increased its fleet last year with 23 brand new Boeing 737 aircraft. Early this year, new Boeing jets and an Airbus arrived to strengthen the fleet. The company expects to see the arrival of more brand new planes in the coming months.

The level of infrastructure plays a very crucial role in achieving a $1 trillion economy. If public transport, roads, railways and other infrastructure are not in place, what will result is not a country with a thriving economy but a country that will see traffic every hour of every day.

Underdeveloped infrastructure will in reality choke the country’s growth.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

How the Fed made the rich richer

By Anthony Mirhaydari - May 2011

The 'QE2' project was supposed to ease borrowing and get consumers to spend again. Instead, it has benefited only a few while raising most people's cost of living.

Cream to the top

Yes, the stock market has posted impressive gains since the idea of QE2 surfaced, with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index up nearly 31% from its low last August. And that has pushed up household net worth by $2 trillion. The hope has been that this will translate into new spending and drive the economy forward.

But stock ownership is concentrated among the wealthy: On average, just 12% of households worth $100,000 or less own stocks and mutual fund shares outside their retirement plans -- a group that comprises 74% of the total population. While many more own shares through 401ks and IRAs, they're not in a position to easily tap that wealth for current spending.

At the same time, QE2 has pushed up borrowing costs, pressing down the prices of homes -- a much more widely held asset. The Case-Shiller Home Price Index started falling last summer as the idea of QE2 was floated, and it hasn't stopped since. The broad 20-city index now sits below 2009 levels.

This is a continuation of trends that have been in place since the recession ended in 2009. According to Credit Suisse equity strategist Douglas Cliggott, it suggests the improvement in net worth during the past two and half years "has been heavily skewed towards that relatively small part of the U.S. population that has significant equity holdings."

In other words, the Fed's "stimulus" has made the rich richer, with limited impact in terms of new spending. It's made the vast majority of people poorer, and less able to spend. It's this tradeoff that threatens to snuff out the feeble, three-year-old economic recovery.

Disappointing GDP

Just look at the first-quarter GDP growth numbers released last week. Most people just aren't spending.

The government reported that GDP growth slowed to 1.8% annualized from 3.1% in the fourth quarter -- a dramatic slowdown at a time when both QE2 and the government's payroll tax cut were in full effect. Indeed, Paul Ashworth at Capital Economics was disappointed enough to tell his clients that given all the tailwinds, he had "originally hoped for a lot more."

The drop was due mainly to bad weather, higher energy prices and a decline in consumer spending. The last two of these factors, at least, are set to continue with the budget fight under way and commodity prices still high. Consumption growth slowed to 2.7% from 4% previously -- mainly due to a drop of nearly 50% in spending on goods such as motor vehicles and groceries. Government consumption dropped 5.2%, which whacked 1.1% from overall GDP growth.

Unfortunately, while Fed Chairman Ben Bernankeinsisted last week that any negative factors are "transitory," the data suggest otherwise. The Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Composite Index was just the latest regional factory survey to suggest production is slowing. And as I mentioned in my last column, the Citigroup U.S. Economic Surprise Index continues to decline to reflect this slowdown in manufacturing.

All of this hurts the job picture. Weekly jobless claims spiked to 429,000 last week, well above the previous week's 404,000 and the 390,000 that analysts were expecting. Current levels were last seen in January. Not only does this point to trouble in the April job report due out Friday, but it breaks a long downtrend from last summer that suggested economic healing.

A flawed idea from the start

I can't say I'm surprised. Last November, I wrote that QE2 threatened a repeat of the "Great Inflation era" that started in 1964, lasted 20 years and didn't end until inflation was at 15% and interest rates at 22%. In "Hiking inflation won't help, Ben," I wrote:

"It seems strange to have this discussion more than a year after the recession officially ended, after corporate profits have returned to pre-recession peaks, after the economy has created 1.6 million new jobs and after personal income has moved to new highs."

There was no credit panic. Interest rates were not high. There was not a lack of liquidity. But the concern was that inflation was too low and job growth too slow. So the Fed decided to push another $600 billion worth of cheap cash into the financial system by buying back bonds, despite the fact that the banks were holding nearly a trillion dollars in "extra" cash in their vaults.

Bernanke himself, when he introduced the idea of QE2 at a central bank gathering in August, said the maximum benefit would be seen during a period of "economic and financial stress" via a lowering of borrowing costs for businesses and households. Only later -- after interest rates started rising instead of falling -- did he focus on the idea of raising stock prices as a major goal of QE2.

The decision-making was flawed.

As I wrote back then, inflation was pushing off its lows and moving higher. Bond market activity was suggesting a very low chance of sustained deflation, a deeply feared cycle of falling prices. And early indicators of economic growth were improving. Job growth -- while slow because of structural issues the Fed cannot solve -- was reaccelerating.

While it's true that stocks sold off last summer on European debt fears, the ability of businesses to borrow cheaply in the bond market and use the cash to buy back shares or engage in merger-and-acquisition activity was keeping the economy moving and funneling cash into stocks. Interbank lending rates -- a key measure of stress in the financial system -- hardly budged. It appears that the Fed, encouraged by Wall Street, overreacted to fears of a double-dip recession.

We didn't need QE2. But we got it anyway.

The benefits never materialized

We haven't gotten the promised results, however. We are more than $400 billion into QE2, and the benefits that helped secure popular support for the move have not arrived.

We have not gotten lower borrowing costs. Instead, expectations of higher inflation have pushed interest rates higher. That has pushed up the cost of credit cards and of mortgages, damaging the fragile housing market. From a low of 2.5% in November, 10-year Treasury bond rates stand at 3.3% now after spiking to 3.8% in February. Banks, instead of easing their lending practices, have squirreled away more money and now hold nearly $1.4 trillion in total excess cash.

It's worth noting that those higher interest rates don't reflect rising economic growth expectations, as some of the Fed's defenders have claimed. According to Capital Economics, the "real" or inflation-adjusted interest rate, which reflects economic growth expectations, has managed to climb to only 0.8% from the 0.4% low reached in October. Over the same period, inflation expectations have climbed. Translation: Bond traders are looking for mediocre growth and more inflation, not a good combination.

We certainly can't blame rising prices entirely on the Fed. There have been protests and political revolutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East -- tightening the energy supply situation. And there have been droughts and crop failures -- tightening the food supply situation.

But the recent feverish rise of gold and silver has demonstrated that the Fed has dumped enough cheap cash into the system to allow speculators and momentum traders to run amok. And their escapades are damaging the real economy and the financial security of working Americans.

Last November, I spoke with an expert on the Fed, Allan Meltzer, who penned "A History of the Federal Reserve" and served in both the Kennedy and Reagan administrations.

I checked in with him again recently to see if he still thought the move was "foolish." His criticisms have only sharpened. He believes that the Fed's QE2 initiative was "unnecessary and mistaken" and agrees that it has resulted in more inflation, higher commodity prices and a devalued dollar.

Wall Street is also getting worried that instead of being a benevolent force, the Fed's money printing is doing damage. Cliggott, the Credit Suisse equity strategist, summarizes our situation like this:

"So here we are -- a mix of really bad weather, rapid growth in most of the largest developing economies, and political and social conflict in Africa and the Middle East have together conspired to turn what was meant to be a soothing rain of excess liquidity in the United States that would help heal the labor market into some uncomfortably hot inflation patterns that are weakening the real purchasing power of millions of American households."

And now the fallout

So where do we go from here? Last week, I laid out the case for a period of underperformance in the stock market as the negative effects of QE2 filter into the economy. (Read "Investors, it's time to run and hide.") This looks likely to continue, since the program has another two months to run -- keeping pressure on food and fuel prices and consumer spending.

A surge of inflation is likely despite the fact that the unemployment rate is still close to 9% and factory output is well off of its pre-recession highs. Such is the nature of our economic malaise. Remember that high unemployment doesn't preclude higher inflation: Spain's unemployment stands at 21.3% while its inflation rate has increased to 3.8%.

Meltzer believes the Fed is making the same mistakes it made in the 1970s, focusing too much on unemployment while ignoring the inflation threat. The Fed dismisses that threat as transitory and says inflation expectations remain under control.

This is "simply wrong" according to Meltzer, since inflationary pressures reflect real, lasting shifts in the supply/demand balance as countries like China grow and those like Saudi Arabia struggle to feed their growing appetite for resources. And while unemployment is a problem, "it's not a monetary problem."

As a result, the Fed is pushing money into an expansion -- a dangerous and inflationary move. According to Meltzer, "Bernanke has committed himself to this. He doesn't want to admit he's wrong and he's dragging others with him."

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Risk is Here

Global market risks, temporarily hidden by cheap credit, have now reasserted themselves with a vengeance. With many AAA rated bonds now suddenly worthless, buyers of Wall Street’s now suspect wares have deserted the credit markets in droves. The rush for returns has been replaced by a rush to safety, reflecting the sentiment penned by the 19th century humorist Mark Twain:

I am more concerned about the return of my money than the return on my money.

Risk is back and no matter how often the playground supervisor tries to reassure us, we know the playground is no longer safe. Even the big kids are getting hurt. The fat kid’s back and so is the whiff of deflation.


LIBOR’s getting high

As central bankers try

To calm the markets down

But risk is back in town

Risk is in the house YO!

Risk is in the house

Credit lines are drawn

Where’s the money gone

Spreads are growing fast

Markets sucking gas

Risk is in the house YO!

Risk is in the house

Triple A means squat

Commercial paper rots

Monolines are down

‘Cause risk is back in town

Risk is in the house YO!

Risk is in the house

Risk is going ‘round

Can you hear the sound

As tranches hit the ground

‘Cause risk is back in town

USA - Plutocracy or Republic?

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of The United States (1858 - 1919)

For anyone reading these words, it is vitally important that you come to the realization of this most crucial fact of your life…A once great empire is about to fall, and its citizens have only themselves to blame!

Where America now stands she has stood many times before where the forces pitting its citizens against its moneyed elite have clashed in titanic battles that defined what that country was all about; either a Plutocracy giving all political control of the state over to an oligarchy of the wealthy, or a Republic giving supreme control over the government to its citizens.

The boundaries of this historic conflict to determine the future of the United States were defined by the Great American Revolutionary War hero and Third President, Thomas Jefferson, when he warned his fellow citizens:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father's conquered ... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies ... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it properly belongs.”

The Seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, took up Jefferson’s fight and further warned his citizens:

“I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country.”

And to the moneyed elite Plutocracy of his time Jackson further said:

“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.”

Theodore Roosevelt as the 26th President of the United States warned his citizens of the power of the Plutocracy they were dealing with by stating:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

Roosevelt’s warning was echoed by the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, who told his citizens:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Today these warnings go unheeded, with but a few even remembering them, so the American people of today are, indeed, “waking up homeless on the continent their father’s conquered” as Jefferson had told them would happen.

Equally, the American people of today have failed to heed the warnings of whom their nation is truly battling against preferring, instead, to remain completely unaware of the “invisible government” Roosevelt warned them about and that Wilson had stated was so “organized, interlocked, subtle, watchful, complete and pervasive” that no one even dares “speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Because the American people have so utterly failed to protect their own nation they now find themselves ruled by a Plutocracy so pervasive that the President who rules over them serves only the “invisible government”. The angry citizen movement opposed to his rule, called the Tea Party, is, also, ruled by this “invisible government” having been bought and paid for by some of the wealthiest elites among them.

This Plutocracy controls virtually all of news the American people are allowed to hear; a nation’s citizenry mind you that is held in so much contempt for wanting to be free that one of the Untied States major television network news anchors, named Katie Couric, openly calls them “this great unwashed middle of the country”, and has created the insanity of the most influential American news person being a comedian named John Stewart.

So thoroughly corrupt has this Plutocracy become that no less a figure than Nobel Prize winning American economist Joseph Stieglitz has called for the wholesale jailing of them all because of the wholesale destruction they have reaped upon United States and World’s economy, and that they show no signs of stopping until everyone is enslaved and indebted to them.

The American Plutocracy, however, protects its own as evidenced by too many examples to cite in one writing, but includes Angelo Mozilo, the former head of the US mortgage giant Countrywide who after his wholesale defrauding of the government of billions of dollars was allowed to pay a paltry $73 million fine and the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline who just today was allowed to pay a $750 million fine for selling tens of millions of Americans tainted drugs that to date has killed an estimated 15,000 of them.

The American people of today have forgotten that barely two decades ago, in the 1980’s, that this Plutocracy robbed them of hundreds of billions in what is referred to as the Savings and Loan Crisis, but, which unlike today, saw over 1,000 members of America’s elite class being put behind the bars of the prison cells they so rightly deserved for such an outright theft of the American peoples hard earned savings.

With the Plutocracy now in total control, what happened to them after the Savings and Loan Crisis has been turned on its head as America’s elite bankers are set to receive record bonuses for 2010 topping the previous records they set in 2008 and 2009, all with the approval of the US government and to be paid for by the American taxpayer in what can only be likened to this elite class “flipping the bird” at their own citizens and, basically, telling them to go away.

All of the facts cited in this report are, of course, not being told to the American people whose so called liberal media continues to stamp out all expressions of freedom from reaching them, but are, in fact, known the rest of the world over…including in Europe where a literal “lynch mob” is warned is about to descend upon the United States largest bank for defrauding them of billions of dollars; in China where the communists, of all people, are warning that the United States printing of Dollars will destroy everything; in Germany where that government is accusing the US of Dollar manipulation; and most importantly with Transparency International who ranked the United States as one of them most corrupt regimes in the world.

Now there comes a time in any report written on the subject of America’s pending collapse where the writer has to stop and think about just how much a mind can take when confronted with such a blatant and audacious plan to destroy a free people as the United States Plutocracy has in store for their citizens.…in this case that time is now.